Studio and Art gallery
“AB” – Maglaj,BIH
St. Viteška 22
Mob/tel: 00387 (0) 61758372
Amer Hadžić

Amer Hadžić

AMER HADZIC,born 26th, January, 1987.; Sarajevo, B&H. Attended Elementary School and School of Applied Arts, Advertisement Graphics, in Sarajevo. In 2010.; graduates at the Academy of Fine Arts, printmaking studies, class of prof. Salim Obralić, after which he obtains a Masters degree in Printmaking, in the year 2012. He participated in many solo and collective exhibitions, projects and art colonies. From the year 2009, he becomes a member of ULU HKD NAPREDAK; in year 2011 a member of ULUBIH, and in the same year he becomes the founder of the Fondation for Art and Culture promotion called „ARKA“. Currently employed at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, at the printmaking department ............................................................................................................................................. Everything that existed or exists now has passed or is passing at the moment. Passion is the inevitable fate of life, and the human being, in a life race, often forgets to pay attention to the world around him. Only melancholic cheeerful souls of artists can truly experience the patina which leaves time for the world. Since art is the one which succeeds in keeping up with each occurrence and change, one that drives the collective consciousness of mankind and has an influence on us to remember and to live, to see figures and appearances from different angles. Amer Hadzic with his graphics stops the time and perpetuates the emergence of the Bosnian house whose time exists and passes. It brings us closer to the motive that is simultaneously so distant and so close. A motive that is always there, and one we often overleap. He not only tells the story of the Bosnian house and its existence, he tells us about the story from the neighborhood, he recounts the story of every bystander and retells the story of every strayed look. How many times do we gaze at something, and we do not see it - how many times we look at one thing, and we see quite another ... How many times are we soaked by the scene of flickering light on the window panes and how long do we want it to last forever ?! Along with such experience of reality in the spirit of the unreal and drowsy, Amer Hadzic opens his soul and allows us to find ourselves in the scenery of his graphics. Amer Hadzic provides a new life to the Bosnian house and through graphic sheets takes it to the path of transformation. The Bosnian house is the motive through whose metamorphosis, the forms revive the borders of the artistic expression of Mr. Hadzic. This motive becomes a starting point for experimenting with the art form and shapes. This metamorphosis of form motives of the Bosnian house is nothing more than a successful realization of a combination of visual elements, subtraction and addition of shapes and modeling with light, i.e. modeling of light and dark contrasts. The Bosnian house becomes exempted from reality and is revived on the graphic sheets in a new light and in a world that is tangential to the unreal and to the dreamy. The performances of the metamorphosis of Bosnian house motives are conducted through three phases. At each phase, the motive is constant and unchanging, but its realization is always different. The first stage graphic sheets depict an ugly atmosphere in which the guards of tradition, Bosnian houses, are today. The transience made them oblivious and forgotten. Without people, they do not make a home. They are depicted in dark colors with many details, windows, doors, fences, facades, and we experience them in their natural environment, just as they are in reality. Through the eyes of an observer, the graphics cause melancholy and sigh, Hadzic seems to print the elegance of the Bosnian house. The blue patina from which we read the time and the ubiquity of transience announces the second phase in which the background color becomes more intense, and with the house, whose only a wall is now shown, a small window and the roof, a tree appears now. Wood symbolizes life. Wood stuck at the moment of swaying home and a monochrome background are an overtone of metaphysical painting and moderate dose of surrealism, which seems to be best described by Hadzic's handwriting. The Bosnian house now becomes a portal towards a romantic and dreamy surrealism in which a cloud is emerging through the window of the house and in whose colors, the contrasts of dark and light, by playing geometric forms, motives of the Bosnian house become transformed to unrecognizability. The observer now wanders through the mystical ambiences of the blue sky, and mysticism always intrigues the observer's imagination and opens up new possibilities for seeing the vision. The Bosnian house seems to recall our secrets and hidden worlds. Hadzic plays with the observer's imagination and perception and at the same time gives a new transcendental level to the Bosnian house. The process of transitions commenced in the second phase continues in the graphics of the third stage, and the blue stain is an ubiquitous detail that reminds us of the created space and the time when blue stains appear from nowhere and are a fantasy fruit. In the graphics of the third stage, white color prevails, and motive of the Bosnian house is reduced to a sign. Simplicity, whiteness and minimalism are the culmination of the metamorphosis of this motive, and the boundary between the real and the unreal is now completely disappearing. White color is a symbol of innocence, purity and new beginning, it symbolizes the ideal and the exalted. The Bosnian house is set on a pedestal of admiration and streys towards the sky; it is exalted and infinite in its verticals. Surrounded by the graphics of Amer Hadzic, we remain ordinary bypassers, as well as residents of mystical rooms where the past, the present and the future are intertwined, and the eccentric angles of Hadzic's perception remain secure guardians of the tradition....................................... Asija Ismailovski ................................................................................................................................................ Contact: Phone: +387 61 255 759 ; e-mail:
Poster for the exhibition in the atelier and gallery AB - Maglaj Artist with his works The exhibition in Maglaj The exhibition in Maglaj The exhibition in Maglaj graphic imprint ( aquatint, etching, vernis-mou) 80x65 cm Metamorphosis of the Bosnian house, graphic imprint (aquatint, etching) 65x80 cm graphic imprint ( aquatint, etching, vernis-mou) 80x65 cm Metamorphosis of the Bosnian house, graphic imprint (aquatint, etching) 65x80 cm graphic imprint ( aquatint, etching, vernis-mou) 80x65 cm graphic imprint ( aquatint, etching, vernis-mou) 65x80 cm graphic imprint ( aquatint, etching ) 80x65 cm Metamorphosis of the Bosnian house, graphic imprint (aquatint) 65x80 cm Metamorphosis of the Bosnian house, graphic imprint (aquatint) 65x80 cm Metamorphosis of the Bosnian house, graphic imprint (aquatint, etching, vernis-mou) 65x80 cm